Navigating fibre-to-the-home network design and planning for UK operators

In an era dominated by digital connectivity, high-speed internet has evolved from a luxury to a necessity. At the heart of this transformation are the fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) networks that enable seamless communication and digital experiences.

The design and creation of these networks entail a multitude of considerations, decisions and strategies, particularly in markets such as the UK, which have started to seriously ramp up their fibre deployment.

According to the latest Market Panorama report from the FTTH Council Europe, in association with iDate, the UK has been accelerating its fibre deployment at an extremely rapid pace since the report data collection point of September 2022. The report demonstrated that full-fibre coverage had reached 42% of UK homes, or around 12.4 million by September 2022, representing an increase of 4.3 million homes between 2021 and 2022.


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2024-01-19T12:02:04+01:00September 1st, 2023|

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